Ο παγκοσμοποιημένος καπιταλισμός βλάπτει σοβαρά την υγεία σας.
Il capitalismo globalizzato nuoce gravemente alla salute....
.... e puo' indurre, nei soggetti piu' deboli, alterazioni della vista e dell'udito, con tendenza all'apatia e la graduale perdita di coscienza ...

(di classe) :-))


Sarà un caso, ma adesso che si respira nuovamente aria fetida di destra smoderata e becera la polizia torna a picchiare la gente onesta.

Europa, SVEGLIA !!

Europa, SVEGLIA !!

venerdì 30 dicembre 2011

THE FAKED MOURNING OF THE NORTH COREAN WOMENS WHY they looked so well fed in a country of 24 millions of hunger sufferers?
BECAUSE they are special corps force-feeded by the the regime for special public events (funerals, ballets etc) They travels in sealed trains to avoid being eaten by the hungry 24 millions.
WHY where they crying so desperately for the hated oppressor Kim Jong?
BECAUSE they all wears torture devices under the gowns, regularly inspected by the "Special cilici corp" educated at the "Abu Ghraib Schools of America"

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