Ο παγκοσμοποιημένος καπιταλισμός βλάπτει σοβαρά την υγεία σας.
Il capitalismo globalizzato nuoce gravemente alla salute....
.... e puo' indurre, nei soggetti piu' deboli, alterazioni della vista e dell'udito, con tendenza all'apatia e la graduale perdita di coscienza ...

(di classe) :-))


Sarà un caso, ma adesso che si respira nuovamente aria fetida di destra smoderata e becera la polizia torna a picchiare la gente onesta.

Europa, SVEGLIA !!

Europa, SVEGLIA !!

martedì 4 giugno 2013

On June 7th and 8th, we invite all European movements and organizations to the Alter Summit in Athens

What is the Alter Summit?
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This event will be organized with the Greek social movement with the support of civil society organizations, trade unions, NGOs, political and cultural personalities from all around Europe.
The Alter Summit in Athens will be a step forward in the building of more convergence between movements opposed to the current anti-social and anti-ecological policies promoted by European governments and institutions.
It will be a highly symbolic gathering, since Greece has been the laboratory of the destructive austerity and so-called competitiveness policies, but can also become the laboratory of the resistance against austerity... Read more
  • German unionists and prominent academics support the Alter Summit !

    Many trade union leaders and prominent academics in Germany have publicly declared their solidarity for the Alter Summit. Attached you will find their Sympathy–Declaration of the ‘European Alternative Summit’ in Athens.
  • Practical Information

    Assemblies, network meetings and the plenary will take place on Friday and Saturday at the Olympic Stadium (Irini station, 25 min from Omonoia sq. metro station). For direct access to the Olympic Stadium, where the Alter Summit will be held, you can take the Athens Suburban Railway from the airport to the Nerantziotisa station; from there change to the Green Line (Athens Metro) to Irini station.
    To get to downtown Athens you can take the Blue Line (Athens Metro) to Syntagma station.
    here you can see the venue
    The demo on (...)

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