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Il capitalismo globalizzato nuoce gravemente alla salute....
.... e puo' indurre, nei soggetti piu' deboli, alterazioni della vista e dell'udito, con tendenza all'apatia e la graduale perdita di coscienza ...

(di classe) :-))


Sarà un caso, ma adesso che si respira nuovamente aria fetida di destra smoderata e becera la polizia torna a picchiare la gente onesta.

Europa, SVEGLIA !!

Europa, SVEGLIA !!

mercoledì 16 maggio 2012

Ireland’s Referendum- an Opportunity for Change

Filed under JohnPerkins.Org Blog Wire, On May 31 Ireland will put the EU’s new treaty for fiscal discipline to a referendum, giving Irish voters a chance to overturn this controversial agreement. The crisis in Ireland is symbolic of ones facing many European countries, as well as the United States, and is a direct outgrowth of policies implemented against developing countries when I was an economic hit man (EHM). The upcoming decision by Irish citizens is a harbinger for other countries around the world, as well as crucial to Ireland’s financial future.The Irish Government has been “asset stripping” –selling off public resources, including gas from the west coast, utilities, and forests in attempts to reduce the debt. This is an old tactic that was perfected by economic hit men in countries throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America and theMiddle East during the 1970s and 1980s. Many Irish are vehemently protesting such acts and are opposed to signing the EU treaty, declaring them a loss of sovereignty for a nation that fought a bloody battle for full independence less than a century ago.
Austerity measures are killing the European economy. Not surprisingly Goldman Sachs and other investment organizations are at the root of the problem; they are strategically staffing Europe’s government and the Central Bank with hard-hearted investment bankers more interested in the concerns of the financial sector than thoseof the people. These ex-European Commissioners and former central bankers are helping the banks gain access to those in power.
I’m looking forward to speaking in the UK as Ireland is on the verge of these crucial economic changes. From May 21-25 I will be teaching a course at Schumacher College in Devonhttp://www.schumachercollege.org.uk/courses/hoodwinked-what-wrecked-our-economy-and-how-to-fix-it. Followed by a brief speaking tour, “Financial Terrorism Exposed”, around the UK where I will be speaking in Dublin (May 27), Manchester (June 2), and London (June 3). For more information on this tour please visit www.economichitman.co.uk, or my website: http://www.johnperkins.org/?page_id=21.

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